

MECWORMA and TAPE ALLWORMER is a highly effective broad spectrum anthelmintic achieving up to 100% worm kill (including benzimidazole resistant strains). MECWORMA and TAPE ALLWORMER utilises a combination of two horse wormers from different classes, abamectin (macrocyclic lactone) and morantel tartrate (tetrahydropyrimidine). MecWorma and Bot. It has been shown to be highly effective (up to 100% activity) in control and treatment of large and small strongyles (Strongylus and Cyathostomum spp.) including arterial larval stages and benzimidazole resistant strains, bots (Gasterophilus spp.), cutaneous onchocerciasis and nematodes including Habronema and Draschia spp. which cause skin lesions (summer sores).

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